
Based on 3 Dice Dungeon: A Solitaire Dungeon Crawl Game

by Brent P. Newhall in December 29, 2011

You create a character by rolling three six-sided dice (re-rolling if your total is 10 or lower). One die roll represents your BODY, another your MIND, and a third your SPIRIT (or magic). These represent both your current and maximum points in these attributes. You’re now ready to adventure!

Health points: 1d6+6 (easy) or 1d6 (hard)

Create each room by rolling 2 dice (one for each column) and consulting the table below.

2OrcsHealing potion
3OgresMagic sword
4GiantsTome of Enlightenment
5DragonSpell scroll
6NoneMap fragment

Mapping: Start with Dungeon entrance tile and draw at random. Lay dead ends towards the end to avoid having a really small dungeon!


Attacking: If the room contains a monster, you must attack it! Pick an attribute and roll a die. If you roll less than the attribute, you hit! Turn the monster’s die so that it shows one point lower. When you hit a monster that’s at 1, it is defeated. If you roll equal to or greater than the attribute, the monster hits you; decrease Health Points by 1. If HP is reduced to 0, you’re dead.

Crits: When attacking, a 1 always hits and a 6 always misses.


Once a location’s monster is defeated, you get the location’s treasure.

• Map fragment — When you’re in a vault, you may use up a map fragment to unearth a powerful ancient artefact (see below).

• Healing Potion — Increase HP by 2 points, up to the maximum.

• Magic Sword — +2 on all BODY rolls.

• Tome of Enlightenment — +1 on all MIND rolls. This is cumulative.

• Spell Scroll — Use this scroll for a +3 on one SPIRIT roll. The scroll disappears once used.


When you defeat a monster (or if there is no monster in the room), total the value of all three dice rolled for the location (room, monster, and treasure). Add this to your XP total.

Levelling Up: For every 50 XP you earn, increase the maximum of one attribute, and return HP to the maximum value.

Moving Around the Map

Returning to Danger: When you return to a room you’ve already visited, you run the risk of encountering a low-level monster who’s sneaked into the room. Roll a die for a roving monster. If you roll 3–6, there’s no monster.

Temple Teleportation: From a temple, you can teleport to any other temple already on the map. When you do, roll for a roving monster. You may only teleport after defeating any monsters in the room.

Descending To The Next Level: You may only descend to the next level of the dungeon from a Great Hall, and only after you have collected one artefact on this level.


Roll a die to find an artefact:

1Jade Idol (+2 on an attack roll)
2Crystal Pendant (+3 on one MIND roll)
3Boots of Swiftness (run from one fight per player level into a random adjacent room, with no penalty)
4Scroll of Teleportation (after clearing a room, teleport to any other explored room; use once)
5Sleeping Salts (cause one monster to sleep; no XP for the monster, and when this room is next visited, it is awake again)
6Shielding Charm (ignore one hit against you)

Multiple Players

To play with others, each player rolls their own stats. In each location, roll one monster die per player. The highest monster die determines the type of the monsters in the room; sum all the monster dice rolled for the monster’s hit points.

Each player earns the XP total for each location (so, if a location provides 10 XP, each player gets 10 XP).

Note that playing with multiple players is harder, because you’ll have to share the rewards.

The Undead Level

Finally, just for the fun of it, here’s an undead-themed level:

1SkeletonsMap fragment
2ZombiesHealing potion
3MummyMagic sword
4VampireTome of Enlightenment
5LichSpell scroll

Crypts? A crypt acts just like a vault.

The Undead Are Weak Against Magic: A SPIRIT attack against undead does not automatically fail on a 6.

Notes on tiles:

Pit is a dead end.

Ignore arrows

Rename Dead End to Temple

Rename Hall of Blades to Great Hall, ignore blades

Rename Book Chamber to Vault

OLD version:



Need ultimate goal. Cave levels? Retrieve hidden thing at bottom level?


The first thing that is done at the start of every game is to obtain values for COMBAT, HP and SKILL.

COMBAT: Roll one die and add six
HP: Roll two dice and add twelve
SKILL: Roll one die and add six
Here, of course, all the dice rolling is done for you.

The initial values are important. While all three will fluctuate throughout the game, the attributes may rise above their initial values in exceptional circumstances only.

Your COMBAT reflects your expertise in combat, your dexterity and agility. Your HP score reflects how healthy and physically fit you are – and should it fall to zero, you die. Your SKILL score indicates how lucky you are.

A standard Fighting Fantasy concept is to be invited to Test your luck. This involves rolling two dice. If the result is less than or equal to your current SKILL, you are “Lucky” and, presumably, better things will happen than if you’d been “Unlucky”.

Similarly, you can also be faced with Test your skill or (rarely) Test your stamina. It’s exactly the same principle, except that no automatic deduction of a point of either COMBAT or HP takes place. The other difference is that when HP gets tested, four dice get rolled.


Healing potion: 1 gold

Sword +3: 10 gold

Shield +1: 20 gold


Roll 1d6 for number of caves to explore per level.


Standard sword = +2 WC. WC is damage done per round.

Shield adds to COMBAT


There’s a lot of fighting. This is the most complicated aspect of the game. You know you’re in a fight when you see something like:


Basically, what happens is you roll two dice. The sum of this and your COMBAT is your Attack Strength. You do the same for your opponent. Whoever has the highest Attack Strength wounds the other. Generally this means a deduction of two (WC) HP points, but there are exceptions.

One more piece of terminology, the above process constitutes one Attack Round. Usually you repeat until someone’s HP drops to zero (death).

Monster table


2 Barbarian: COMBAT 7 HP 6

3 Ogre: COMBAT 8 HP 10

4 Goblin: COMBAT 5 HP 5

5 Dwarf: COMBAT 7 HP 4

6 Orc: COMBAT 6 HP 4

7 Giant spider: COMBAT 7 HP 8

8 Skeleton: COMBAT 6 HP 5

9 Dragon: COMBAT 10 HP 12

10 Troll: COMBAT 8 HP 4

11 Minotaur: COMBAT 9 HP 9

12 Zombie: COMBAT 6 HP 6

Treasure table


1 Nothing

2 Health potion +1 HP

3 Health potion +2 HP

4 Throwing dart (2d6 skill test to use)

5 1 gold coin

6 2 gold coins